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– Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Windows, Mac, Mobile, Web and more. This programming language is based on the Object-Pascal language or Object Pascal language and is actually an alternative to it.Įmbarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 key features: RAD stands for Rapid Application Development, which means the rapid development and development of software, and Delphi was one of the first tools to use this development methodology.

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NET environments, the suite is wider and more integrated at the same time as Embarcadero RAD Studio. From the 2007 version, later, with the addition and support of the C ++ Builder and. Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2.2 Latest Version Download at Softasm – The Delphi programming language was originally developed by Borland in 1995, and after being assigned to the CodeGear Independent, in 2008 its development was assigned to Embarcadero Technologies, and was released under the name Embarcadero Delphi.

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